Physiotherapy & Fitness
So you’ve decided on a professional to relieve your discomfort, a good choice!
Allowing injury and pain to grow leads to needless more suffering and less good results over time.
We are a team of professionals in physiotherapy, using the most actual knowledge and skills. We care for- and welcome you on your first appointment!
Bel mij terug Whatsapp 071 528 17 48
Call us: workingdays 08.30 – 21.30 the weekend untill 14:00
Get your diagnose within 24 hours!
Vind ons in Leiden op Bachstraat & Dobbedreef
Physiotherapy & Fitness in Leiden
“Feel good and comfortable” is our motto in life!
It is our mission to help you overcome all obstacles preventing you from feeling good and comfortable in your own body!
In order to achieve such our physiotherapists use the latest insights in physiotherapy and combine this knowledge with extensive research and training in existing and new techniques.
If you are not able to come to us, we will come to you
for treatment at home.
Besides physiotherapy, Cordesfysio also offers specialised programs and fitness. These programs are designed to treat health issues such as Diabetes, Obesity, Arthrosis, Rheumatism, Heart conditions, COPD and Peripheral Arterial disease. You could start out being treated by one of our physiotherapists one on one or in a program, then once you need less direct support join our guided fitness to preserve the progress you have made.
Of course you can also just join our fitness without treatment by one of our physiotherapists, just to stay fit. We offer several group lessons: Pilates, Boxing, Kettlebell workouts, Circuit training, Kids Cardio, Core Stability training and Stretching. You are more than welcome to come and have a look. Or try one of our lessons for free! Just phone ahead to let us know.
Our goal is to help you to be able to say: ‘I feel good and comfortable!’
Onze kwaliteit
Alle specialisaties en behandelingen
Fysiotherapie aan huis
BIG - CKR - KNGF geregistreerd
Rijncoepel - regionaal samenwerkingsverband
Fitness met professionele begeleiding
Gratis parkeren op alle locaties
Contracten met alle verzekeraars o.a.
Wat onze klanten zeggen
Jeroen heeft me op een fijne manier geholpen met mijn klachten om te gaan, na een aantal behandelingen voelde ik me een stuk beter!" - Edward